Cheek Augmentation
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Over time, your face can lose its definition on the cheeks. The cheek area is critical to your face’s outline. Without defined cheekbones, a person’s face looks flatter, older, and featureless. That’s why it is important to apply the right anti-aging protocols to keep your cheeks plump and robust. Cheek augmentation is performed to improve the size and contours of the cheeks. It can be used to fill sunken cheeks or highlight the cheekbone area.
Cheek augmentation can create dramatic or subtle changes in your facial appearance depending on the chosen treatment. The options for cheek augmentation can include:
- Synthetic implants
- Temporary dermal fillers
- Grafting through fat transfer
At Schmidt Facial Plastic Surgery in Denver, Dr. Schmidt will use either a tissue graft or a small silicone implant to fill out the cheek area. Though the procedure is simple, the results are significant. By creating full cheeks and striking contours, cheek augmentation can drastically enhance and rejuvenate your facial beauty and appearance.
Explore Topics About Cheek Augmentation:
- Ideal Candidates for Cheek Augmentation
- How Does Cheek Augmentation Work?
- Results and Recovery
- Cheek Augmentation FAQs
Ideal Candidates for Cheek Augmentation
Cheek augmentation is popular with men and women who feel their sunken cheeks detract from their overall facial appearance. They want their cheeks to be plump and well defined. This procedure is designed to help restore lost cheek volume due to aging, weight loss, genetics, trauma, or congenital deformities.
Patients who exhibit any of the following are strong candidates for cheek augmentation:
- Undefined cheekbones
- A flat or weakly contoured facial structure
- Thin or sunken cheeks
- Fat volume loss in the cheeks and mid-face
“Dr. Schmidt is an excellent surgeon. He helped me with a problem that another doctor could not do. I would recommend him very highly…It has been a great experience going to his office, and having surgery there. Thank you, Dr. Schmidt.” ~ June 8, 2016
How Does Cheek Augmentation Work?
Dr. Schmidt performs three primary types of cheek augmentation – fat grafting, dermal fillers and cheek implants.
PureGraft Facial Fat Transfer
Cheek augmentation through facial fat transfer, or fat grafting, is the preferred permanent method for mid-face enhancement to rejuvenate lost volume or refine facial volume. Fat grafting is a more natural option for refining facial contours that utilizes the body’s natural tissues. Fat grafting is done by removing a small amount of fat tissue from the patient’s abdomen and thighs, and placing it into the patient’s cheeks.
Dr. Schmidt uses the advanced PureGraft technique to ensure long-lasting success. PureGraft utilizes clinically proven filtration technology, allowing Dr. Schmidt to create more predictable results and cheek enhancement using a higher-quality fat tissue.
The selective filtration technology dialyzes the harvested fat, removing only fragmented cells, fluid, oil, and blood within a closed system. The outcome is a concentrated graft of viable, healthy fat cells. Those fat cells are then injected into the cheeks for cheek augmentation.
Every face is unique. Some patients experience hollowing below the cheekbones, while others may experience it elsewhere. As such, Dr. Schmidt customizes the placement of the fat tissues during the cheek augmentation based on your individual conditions, facial symmetry, and overall goals. This personalized approach provides for a natural-looking enhancement and overall balance with your other facial features.
View Before and After Results
Be sure to view the Before and After Photo Gallery to see real patient results at Schmidt Facial Plastic Surgery.
Temporary Cheek Augmentation with Fillers
For patients who’d prefer to avoid undergoing surgery, dermal fillers are an excellent alternative. Dermal fillers are injectables that are made from hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance found in the body. Once injected, this gel-like substance fills in areas lacking volume. Dermal fillers can beautifully restore facial definition that has been lost with age, and they can provide volume to areas that have always lacked ideal fullness.
Patients are drawn to cheek augmentation via fillers because this procedure requires little downtime, it doesn’t require surgery, and the results are temporary. Some mild bruising or swelling may occur, but patients can expect to return to normal activity within a week.
Since the results are not permanent, you have the freedom of letting the effects fade with time, or you can come in for additional treatments to maintain your sculpted look. Injections typically take no more than 30 minutes and can be completed as an in-office procedure.
Cheek Implant Surgery
For patients seeking a permanent change, but lack excess fat to donate for PureGraft, cheek implant surgery is a viable option for cheek augmentation. Cheek implants are available to both men and women who desire a stronger facial profile. Implants can be easily utilized to realign the face structure. They offer the option of restructuring the face for better balance.
Dr. Schmidt makes incisions for cheek implant placement inside the mouth to negate visible scarring after the procedure.
As with any procedure, Dr. Schmidt is attentive not only to the surgical site but also to the balance among all facial features. Cheek implants used to be two oblong shapes that were implanted over the front edge of the cheeks, but that original approach shows how far cheek implants have come. For modern cheek augmentation, there are a diverse set of shapes that are available for cheek implants, and many feature a grid pattern on the backside for increased flexibility. Dr. Schmidt will work with you to determine which type of implants might be optimal. When inserting cheek implants, Dr. Schmidt performs cheek augmentation in a way that enhances the overall appearance of the face, rather than simply calling attention to the cheeks themselves.
“It has been both a rewarding and pleasurable experience being a patient of Dr. Schmidt for several months. We have shared a complicated procedure, and Dr. Schmidt continues to demonstrate his exceptional skill and caring at every appointment. The office is comfortable, professional, and there is almost never any wait beyond my appointment time. Dr. Schmidt always takes the time to listen, explain procedures, clarify options, and present realistic expectations. This caring and sensitive Doctor is always aware of, and sensitive to both the physical and mental status of his patient.” ~ February 5, 2016
Results and Recovery
Immediately following cheek augmentation, a surgical dressing will be applied to the treatment site to support and protect the cheeks. Dr. Schmidt will provide personalized instructions regarding aftercare and the expected recovery time frame.
Patients typically experience minor bruising and swelling after cheek augmentation. Most will be able to return to normal activity one-to-two weeks after their cheek augmentation.
The results from cheek augmentation are immediate. Facial fat grafting results are very durable and touch-ups aren’t necessary for several years. Cheek implants offer permanent results.
For information about how Dr. Schmidt can restore facial definition with cheek augmentation, please call 720.443.2235 or schedule a consultation here.
Cheek Augmentation FAQs
How Is Cheek Augmentation Surgery Performed?
Incisions are placed as discreetly as possible within the mouth for cheek augmentation with implants. A pocket is made over the cheekbone and the implant is placed and attached to soft tissue or bone. Dr. Schmidt then closes the incisions with sutures. This procedure may be performed under local anesthesia or IV sedation.
For cheek augmentation with fat grafting, fat will first be taken from an area with extra fat. Then, the fat is centrifuged and cleaned. The fat is then injected under the skin. Incisions are placed in discrete areas behind the earlobes or within other natural folds or contours of the face. The procedure is performed under IV sedation.
What Should I Expect After Cheek Augmentation Surgery?
The procedure is quite tolerable and involves little discomfort. Some bruising and swelling are common as with all surgeries, and a temporary feeling of numbness may remain but should abate within the first few months.
When Are the Sutures Removed?
Any external sutures used during the fat grafting cheek augmentation will be removed one week after your procedures. Any internal stitches are dissoluble.
Will There Be Scarring?
Anytime an incision is made a scar is created. Dr. Schmidt selects placement in strategic locations either inside the mouth or in natural folds or contours of the face to minimize visibility.
How Much Swelling Is Involved with Cheek Augmentation Surgery?
You may experience mild to considerable swelling the first few days after your cheek enhancement. The cheeks will look over-sized for a brief time and the final definition will be realized within the first six weeks to three months.

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