How Can a Facelift Help Rejuvenate Your Neck?

  • November 17, 2021

You may already know that an expertly performed facelift has the remarkable ability to remove a decade or more from your appearance, but did you know that this surgery can also rejuvenate your neck? If you are tired of hiding your aging neck with scarves and turtlenecks, here’s what you need to know about how a facelift can improve your neck.

Characteristics of an Aging Neck

Many people are diligent about cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and applying sunscreen to their faces but make the mistake of stopping short at their jawline. As a result, the skin on their neck is more vulnerable to sun damage, environmental pollutants, and the cumulative effects of time.

If your neck looks older than your face, your concerns may include:

  • Sagging skin causing the appearance of a “turkey wattle”
  • A lack of definition between your jawline and neck
  • Lower face laxity, including the development of jowls or a double chin
  • Excess fat
  • Prominent neck banding

How a Facelift Helps Your Neck

The visible effects of aging occur due to thinning skin and the constant downward pull of gravity. The cumulative results of environmental damage, stress, lifestyle choices, and heredity can all combine to make you look older than you feel.

Dr. Schmidt’s advanced facelift technique can resolve multiple signs of aging sustained over the years. In performing this transformative surgery, he will carefully reposition and tighten your facial muscles and manipulate or remove fat deposits that cause a lack of definition and contour. Then, he will remove excess skin and redrape the remaining tissue for a smoother and tighter face and neck.

If you are frustrated with any of the following hallmarks of aging, a facelift can resolve them in one customizable procedure:

  • Sagging skin in the lower two-thirds of your face, including your jawline and neck
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds or marionette lines
  • Displaced facial fat or volume resulting in a loss of contour

Are You a Good Candidate for a Facelift in Denver?

Women and men in excellent all-around health who do not smoke, have realistic expectations, and are willing to take time off from work, exercise, and other potentially stressful daily responsibilities may be well-qualified to get a facelift.

While many of our patients ask us about the ideal age to get facelift surgery, the number of birthdays you’ve celebrated is less of a deciding factor than the degree of aging you’re experiencing and its effects on your self-confidence. In general, if non-surgical solutions like neuromodulators and dermal fillers are no longer as effective as they once were, it’s likely time to start contemplating a facelift.

Begin Your Facelift Journey Today

If you’re ready to experience the remarkable contouring and tightening results of a facelift for fewer wrinkles, a more defined neck and jawline, and age-defying lift and definition, contact us today to schedule your consultation. As one of Denver’s most experienced and awarded surgeons, Dr. Schmidt uses his extensive training in head and neck surgery to provide stunning, natural-looking results.

Explore Our Before + After Photos

With over 15 years of surgical experience, Dr. Schmidt focuses on each patient’s unique needs, concerns, and goals to provide a beautiful, natural result for cosmetic, reconstructive and non-surgical procedures. View Dr. Schmidt’s before and after photos to see the results other patients have achieved.

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