What Happens to Your Skin During a Chemical Peel?

  • November 17, 2021

Over time, environmental pollutants, sun damage, unhealthy habits, and the natural aging process take their toll on your skin, revealing various flaws and unwanted imperfections that become increasingly prominent. If you’re tired of spending time in front of your bathroom mirror bemoaning these issues or trying fruitlessly to hide them with makeup, you may be an excellent candidate for an expertly performed chemical peel.

A chemical peel is a non-surgical procedure that can transform your skin’s appearance by removing dull, damaged cells to make way for fresh, new ones. The process will reveal a healthy, glowing complexion with a more even tone and texture. If you are considering getting a chemical peel, here is what you can expect.

Benefits of Professional Chemical Peels

If you’re a fan of smooth, blemish-free skin, exfoliation is likely already a core part of your skin care routine. However, medical-grade chemical peels will provide results above and beyond what you typically get from at-home treatments. Depending on the depth of your peel, Dr. Schmidt can help you resolve the following issues:

  • Mild wrinkles, lines, and creases
  • Sun damage
  • Scars
  • Dark spots and age spots
  • Irregular skin tone and texture
  • Acne breakouts

Three Types of Chemical Peels

After talking with you about your health history, concerns, and cosmetic goals, Dr. Schmidt will recommend either a light, medium, or deep peel. These in-office treatments involve applying acids to your skin, leaving them on for a set period, then neutralizing and removing them.

Light Peel

A mild chemical peel is ideal for patients with superficial skin concerns. It involves using a specially formulated solution to exfoliate and rejuvenate the topmost layer of your skin, minimizing wrinkles, discoloration, and sun damage. After this brief, in-office treatment, you may experience some slight redness and tingling, but you will not need to take any time away from work or your regular daily routine.

Medium Peel

If your skin woes include deeper-set wrinkles, skin laxity, and hyperpigmentation, you may be an excellent candidate for a moderate chemical peel. Redness, flaking, and swelling are typical aftereffects of this procedure, and it might take several weeks for your skin to return to its usual shade.

Deep Peel

A deep peel offers the most profound rejuvenation available with this type of procedure. Patients with more advanced concerns and time to spare for a two-week recovery period may be well-suited to undergo this more aggressive treatment. A deep peel takes place while you are under sedation. If you choose this option, you may need to take pain medication while you recover.

Chemical Peel Aftercare

Once you’ve invested your time and money in a chemical peel, aftercare is essential to ensure you can enjoy optimal results from this non-invasive procedure. Regardless of your treatment depth, a chemical peel will temporarily make your skin more sensitive. You’ll want to steer clear of any products that can irritate or dry out your skin, such as alcohol-based toners. Use a neutral moisturizer such as Aquaphor or petroleum jelly to keep your skin comfortable. If you plan to go out in the sun, apply a sunblock of SPF 30 or higher to avoid further damage from UV rays.

If your skin starts peeling or crusting, resist the urge to rub, scratch, or pick at it. Let it flake off naturally – touching your face might irritate the healing skin and lead to breakouts or scarring. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and be sure to eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet.

Chemical Peels in Denver, CO

If you’re ready to learn more about chemical peels, take the next step toward more confidence in your healthy complexion by contacting us today! We look forward to hearing from you.

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With over 15 years of surgical experience, Dr. Schmidt focuses on each patient’s unique needs, concerns, and goals to provide a beautiful, natural result for cosmetic, reconstructive and non-surgical procedures. View Dr. Schmidt’s before and after photos to see the results other patients have achieved.

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