Why is Fall the Best Season for a Facelift?

  • October 26, 2018

While men and women undergo plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures year-round, it’s common for patients to wait until fall. Undergoing procedures like facelift surgery during the cooler seasons offers a number of advantages. From an easier recovery period to achieving better overall results, here are some of the top reasons to wait until fall for facelift surgery.

Easier Recovery Period

As with any surgical procedure, facelift surgery requires a period of downtime afterward. The warmer conditions of summer can increase post-operative discomfort because heat increases swelling and inflammation. On the other hand, the extreme temperatures of winter can likewise make recovery difficult. This is why many patients choose to undergo surgery during fall, so they can recover when temperatures tend to be mild.

The convenience factor is another reason why people wait until fall. During summer, most people are heading to the beach and enjoying a vacation. Having to set aside several weeks for recovery can be disruptive to most summer schedules. In fall, patients can comfortably recover at home without much disruption to their schedule. When venturing outdoors during the recovery period, it’s also easier for patients to camouflage post-op effects with layers, scarves, and hats. And since many people have planned breaks during fall holidays, this allows them to conveniently recover before heading back to work.  

Less Sun Exposure = Better Results

Whether or not you’ve planned a summer vacation, it’s difficult to avoid sun exposure during the summer months, and one of the biggest detriments to a successful recovery is excessive sun exposure. There are a few ways that UV rays can negatively affect plastic surgery recovery.

In addition to increasing swelling and inflammation, sun exposure can increase the chances of developing hyperpigmentation on the incision areas. Since your skin will be more sensitive after surgery, it will also be more vulnerable to sun damage. Facelift patients should try to avoid sun exposure as much as possible for at least a few months after surgery. Even during fall and winter, you’ll still need to regularly apply sunblock when heading outdoors.

Refresh Your Look for the Holidays

During the holidays, most people want to look their best for parties and end-of-the-year celebrations. Choosing to undergo facelift surgery during fall will allow you to enter the most social part of the year with confidence. For those with a packed calendar toward the end of the year, setting some time aside during fall is the perfect way to look and feel your best when the holidays approach.

Patients usually return to work about 2 weeks after facelift surgery, and full recovery is often complete by 4 weeks. If your procedure is performed in early fall, this will give you plenty of time for the results to fully settle for all your holiday plans.  

There’s no better time than now to get started on your fall treatment plan. To learn more about facelift surgery and other facial rejuvenation procedures, contact board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Schmidt.


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With over 15 years of surgical experience, Dr. Schmidt focuses on each patient’s unique needs, concerns, and goals to provide a beautiful, natural result for cosmetic, reconstructive and non-surgical procedures. View Dr. Schmidt’s before and after photos to see the results other patients have achieved.

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