Why is Fall the Best Season for a Facelift?

While men and women undergo plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures year-round, it’s common for patients to wait until fall. Undergoing procedures like facelift surgery during the cooler seasons offers a number of advantages. From an easier recovery period to achieving better overall results, here are some of the top reasons to wait until fall…

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Shave Years Off Your Face With a Facelift

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is one of the top five plastic surgery procedures in existence, and it’s helped millions of people around the world achieve a younger, more refreshed look. But just how powerful is it? And how many years younger will you look after you’ve had a facelift? To answer these questions, Dr. Schmidt…

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New & Improved: Facelifts Through the Years

In the years since its invention, the facelift has evolved greatly. Although the media and pop culture often portray facelifts as plastic surgery procedures that created artificial-looking faces, the more informed patients of today know that modern techniques have made the facelift one of the most sophisticated procedures available. Where there used to be tight,…

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Facelift Timeline

Facelifts are one of the most effective tools for facial rejuvenation because they are safe, effective, and enduring. A facelift can restore your face to a more youthful appearance by repositioning saggy skin, reducing the appearance of jowls and wrinkles, as well as correcting laxity of the skin. We created this graphic to give you…

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Could a Facelift be the Key to Your Next Promotion?

When you think about it, confidence is one of the biggest keys to having a successful career. When you have a strong sense of self and know what you want, it’s that much easier to pursue what really matters to you. Better yet, your colleagues, your friends, your family—everyone, will sense that you’re a self-assured…

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What You Need to Know About Facelift Incisions

When it comes to fighting the effects of aging, facelift surgery is a big weapon at your disposal. Sure, you can go the route of injectables like BOTOX® or dermal fillers to ease wrinkles, lines, and folds – but these are temporary solutions which require multiple treatment sessions and costs can add up over time.…

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Explore Our Before + After Photos

With over 15 years of surgical experience, Dr. Schmidt focuses on each patient’s unique needs, concerns, and goals to provide a beautiful, natural result for cosmetic, reconstructive and non-surgical procedures. View Dr. Schmidt’s before and after photos to see the results other patients have achieved.

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